Collaboration with other Firms

The firm collaborates with a number of local firms in providing specialized services for our clients. The names and addresses of foreign firms the company is presently affiliated to are:

▪ United Kingdom

Jerrard Suanders Donn,


7 Portland Place, London WIN AA,

United Kingdom

Tel: 017 636 3432.

▪ United States of America

Beveridge & Diamond, P.C.

1350 I Street, NW Suit 700

Washington, DC 20005-3311

United States of American

Tel: 202 789 6060

Fax: 202 789 6190.

Locally we are affiliated to:

Minkah-Premo & Co. Legal Practitioners

Akosombo House

3 Emmause, 2nd Close Labone

P.O. Box 14951 Accra.

Tel: (0)302 781625 / 781627

Fax: (0)302 781624.