List of selected Clients

The company has represented many clients -both corporate bodies and individuals- for whom it has provided various services. Some of the firm's corporate clients are as follows:

▪ Governmental Entities:

▪ Divestiture Implementation Committee.

▪ Ghana Civil Aviation Authority.

▪ Ga District Assembly.

▪ International Entities:

▪ German International Cooperation (GIZ).

▪ Danish Agency for International Development Assistance (DANIDA).

▪ Plan International Ghana.

▪ CORDAID of the Netherlands.

▪ Other Local Firms:

- Companies with mining interests

▪ The Ghana Chamber of Mines.

▪ Solid Express Ghana Limited.

▪ West Coast Construction Limited.

▪ Insite Export Limited.

▪ Construction / Real Estates Companies

▪ Cassa Associati Limited - Architectural and Construction Issues.

▪ Grupponi Limited - Estates Development Issues.

▪ Emmacarlton Estates Limited - Construction Issues.

▪ Metro Real Estates Limited - Real Estates Issues.

▪ Clairet Construction Company Limited - Contractual Issues on construction.

- Oil Companies and Affiliates

▪ Total Ghana Limited (formerly known as Elf Oil Ghana Limited).

▪ Tropic Oil Limited.

▪ Ghana Bunkering Services Limited.

- Companies in Telecommunication

▪ Ghana Chamber of Telecommunications